11/07/2024 - Restored traffic light limit indicators on meter panels, driven by meter config - Meter panel display modes are now correctly initialised as PERIOD, fixing scene defaults and fixing the first mode cycle being offset 19/06/2024 - Added option to define receptor height for normal receptors - Assigning a meter to a site resets its timer_enabled config option to 0 (or creates the entry if not already) 28/05/2024 - Added battery charge/drain time to battery value on meter panels where possible 22/04/2024 - Sources split by multisource calculations now display what part of the split they belong to in receptor detail export 28/03/2024 - Replaced cardiod output checkbox with a dropdown and added baffled stage type 27/03/2024 - Added cardiod output option to stages - Added group field to object properties for sources, ready for future updates 13/03/2024 - G-series PM10 now displays correctly 15/02/2024 - Added area and perimeter output for site boundaries 10/01/2024 - Replaced "Get Coordinates" behaviour with an output that can be copied 06/12/2023 - Restored virtual meter functionality 24/11/2023 - Added "Visit Forms" option to Project menu for viewing submitted visit forms 02/11/2023 - Added opacity option for unlocked overlays 20/10/2023 - Prevented missing overlays in (shared) projects blocking later overlays from loading at all - Added a warning to the project summary if calculations are disabled either via the alt key or the toggle on the modelling toolbar 10/10/2023 - Added support for K series dust values; if data is not present (either non-dust or disabled) the values will not show on the panel 25/08/2023 - Prevented the old meter summary listing appearing when switching sites 23/08/2023 - Fixed site searching being ignored on application load and under certain conditions - Removed the on-click site tag from the site tag stars, the option is still in the context menu - Added a site context option to enable/disable a site appearing on the mobile viewer > Option also added to site creation 20/07/2023 - Slightly compacted meter display panels - Removed some unnecessary whitespace - Removed battery and signal, pending replacement elsewhere on the panel - Reimplemented the meter summary list - Now adapts to dynamic values in the same way as the new panels do - Changed red to darkred for contrast - The modelling mouse value no longer appears outside of modelling mode 18/07/2023 - Added object indicator for measured background levels which cause a mismatch with modelled levels 12/07/2023 - Fixed message log entries being duplicated in some browsers - Added platform invitations 11/07/2023 - Messages now show contact details if available - Changed the site list online status to be dependent on minute data if minute logging is enabled 15/06/2023 - Reverted compliance duration usage 14/06/2023 - Added "compliance duration" to meter configuration for the purpose of running the live panels independently of incoming data - Added a UTC offset value, status and override to the site editor - Timezone values will be automatically fetched within 5 minutes of a site creation, but can be set manually if the data is unavailable - Added activity definitions to sites - Populating meters now uses these values if set - Replaced site creation with a new prompt which requests activity start and end 13/06/2023 - Updated meter outputs to work more reliably in other timezones - Added a UTC offset field to sites - Meters on a site will now show the time local to that site, regardless of user location - Meter panels now use a dynamic data system to determine the values required - Data converted from the various data types into a single structure compatible with all meters - Split the "Last Data" display on meter panels into minute and period data - Removed several lesser-used G-series-specific features due to legacy storage method incompatibilites - Meter panels are now created when loading a site rather than application start-up 11/06/2023 - Event display panels now display correctly with a default limit if no configuration is available 08/06/2023 - Adjusted some display elements to correctly adjust for non-UK timezones 27/05/2023 - Fixed frequency data for LoRaWAN accessing a non-existent object - Live display times now properly adjust to DST offsets 25/05/2023 - Fixed an unexpected data format breaking LoRa data parsing 28/03/2023 - Fixed several meter handling errors caused by the addition of unsupported meters to the system 15/02/2023 - Added detailed receptor output, providing the inputs to each receptor from individual sources - The object properties panel can now be opened by clicking on the object name in the project summary 31/01/2022 - Added 6 month filter to projects/scenes > Defaults to on, can be changed via the type filtering dropdown 16/12/2022 - Site and meter listing updates > Reduced the size and font size of all items > Meters now list their serial number and location (if available) in two lines > Offline meters can display thier location from a D/J/P-series status record > Added additional padding to site listings to avoid overlapping the tag icon > Tagging a site no longer also takes you to the site 10/12/2022 - Added a sort to period records for event display to prevent mis-ordered database entries messing things up - LoRa period data now checked published time rather than received time more reliably and filters out old periods - Added "Last period data" label to event output 25/08/2022 - Added detailed output to project summary export 22/07/2022 - Fixed an issue where meters without a valid configuration setup would cause meters loaded afterwards to fail to display their data 18/07/2022 - Added ability to modify access token access dates - Access token dates now shown in list - Added ability to modify user access dates - Changed user creation authentication entry to